Directors: Robert McKillop, David Moore, Paul Whittington
Images © ITV
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 1 Pictured: NATALIE GAVIN as Alma Capstick, PHIL CORNWELL as Joe Capstick and SOPHIE THOMPSON as Lizzie Capstick. Photographer: Stuart Wood. This image is the copyright of ITV and is only to be used in relation to Jericho on ITV.
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 1 Pictured: CLARKE PETERS as Coates. Photographer: Stuart Wood. This image is the copyright of ITV and is only to be used in relation to Jericho on ITV.
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 1 Pictured: DANIEL RIGBY as Charles Blackwood and JEANY SPARK as Isabella Lambton. Photographer: Stuart Wood. This image is the copyright of ITV and is only to be used in relation to Jericho on ITV.
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 3 Pictured: DANIEL RIGBY as Charles Blackwood and JEANY SPARK as Isabella Lamtbon. Photographer: Stuart Wood. This image is the copyright of ITV and is only to be used in relation to Jericho on ITV.
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 3 Pictured: DANIEL RIGBY as Charles Blackwood and JEANY SPARK as Isabella Lamtbon. Photographer: Stuart Wood. This image is the copyright of ITV and is only to be used in relation to Jericho on ITV.
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 3 Pictured: JESSICA RAINE as Annie. Photographer: Stuart Wood. This image is the copyright of ITV and is only to be used in relation to Jericho on ITV.
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 5 Pictured: JESSICA RAINE as Annie, AMY JAMES-KELLY as Martha and SAM BOTTOMLEY as George. This image is the copyright of ITV.
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 6 Pictured: CLARKE PETERS as Coates, SAM BOTTOMLEY as George, JEANY SPARK as Isabella and DANIEL RIGBY as Charles Blackwood. This image is the copyright of ITV and must be used in relation to Jericho.
ITV STUDIOS PRESENTS JERICHO EPISODE 6 Pictured: CLARKE PETERS as Coates, SAM BOTTOMLEY as George, JEANY SPARK as Isabella and DANIEL RIGBY as Charles Blackwood. This image is the copyright of ITV and must be used in relation to Jericho.